

Learn how to choose an irresistible topic for your next webinar even your "busy" prospects will attend

Enter your name and email address below to access my Webinar Topic Scorecard, plus a bonus video training to help you quickly brainstorm topic ideas that will attract your ideal clients:

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About Tyler Basu

Hey there! I'm Tyler Basu, a Content Creator and Strategist that specializes in helping B2B brands create educational content that drives consistent growth for their business. 

Since 2016, I've published 1,000+ pieces of content online, driving millions of website visitors and tens of thousands of customers for other companies. I also worked as the Content Marketing Manager for Thinkific (now a public company with 30,000+ customers) from 2016-2019, helping them to become one of the fastest-growing software companies in the online education industry.

Today, I spend my time creating educational resources/training and working directly with business owners to help them run effective webinars and workshops to acquire and retain more clients online.

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